Using OKRs for better goal setting Apr 13, 2021 6 min read Academia The concept of OKRs (objectives and key results) is a healthier and more productive approach to goal-setting than traditional methods.
What can higher education learn from the business world? Mar 22, 2021 4 min read Academia A recap of a talk to Student Affairs professionals about what makes a good working culture.
Sabbatical lessons, part 4: People and culture Jun 11, 2018 10 min read Sabbatical In this final post on lessons learned on sabbatical, I focus on the two fundamental forces of change in higher ed: people and culture.
Designing the future faculty office Jun 8, 2018 11 min read Learning spaces While on sabbatical with Steelcase, I was involved in a project to re-envision the faculty office. Rather than seeing it go away, the faculty office will stick around: As a learning space.
Sabbatical lessons, part 3: The hard work of innovation May 23, 2018 9 min read Sabbatical Innovation: It's a word that higher education both loves and hates. What is innovation, and what did I learn in my sabbatical about it?