My origins story with flipped learning May 31, 2016 8 min read Flipped learning If you ever wanted to know how I got into flipped learning, here it is. This is the preface for my forthcoming book _Flipped Learning in the University: A Users' Guide_
What do we call this thing we call flipped learning? May 25, 2016 6 min read Flipped learning What we call things, matters. This is why I am choosing 'flipped learning' and sticking with it.
Advice for the tech-curious instructor Apr 4, 2016 3 min read Teaching What advice do you have for someone who is thinking about using technology in new ways in her/his teaching?
Three criteria for using technology in a human-friendly way Mar 31, 2016 5 min read Technology What are three things you believe must be present in a technology in order for you to use it effectively in teaching?
What I do to remember that every student has a story Mar 28, 2016 3 min read Teaching What do you do to remember that every student is a human being, and therefore has a story?