Town Hall Meeting with Dr. Antonio Seabra
Prof. Antonio Seabra is a professor of Electrical Engineering at Universidade de Sao Paolo in Sao Paolo, Brazil. He is a world leader in innovation in engineering education and undergraduate STEM education. When I visited Brazil in March 2020, Prof. Seabra was my host and my guide as I worked with the USP faculty on a wide-scale implementation of flipped learning.
I'm pleased to be returning the favor as Prof. Seabra visits Grand Valley State University from February 24-March 2, 2022. In addition to visiting with faculty and observing classes, I will be hosting an online town hall with Prof. Seabra to discuss emerging issues and partnerships to support innovation and change in undergraduate STEM education in both our countries.
This event will be FREE to join. Click below to receive email updates on the date and time of this event: