How I use Evernote

Part of my simple trusted system for GTD is Evernote. What is this app? What's it for? What does it have to do with GTD? And why should people pay for it?

GTD for Academics: Simple Trusted System

GTD is about habits, not tools. But the tools are important too. What are the key components of a simple, trusted system that implements GTD? And how do I personally do it?

GTD for Academics: Doing

Part 7 of GTD for Academics focuses on one of the trickiest parts of GTD: Actually doing the tasks that you need to do.

GTD for Academics: Planning

We come to part 6 of GTD for Academics and the third important GTD/ZTD habit: Plan. What does it mean, why it is important, and how do do it?

GTD for Academics: Process

In part 5 of GTD for academics we focus on the habit of processing: Looking at the stuff in your inbox and deciding what it means and what to do with it. As an example, I give a live look into how I process my email to inbox zero.