Seven Steps to Flipped Learning Design

Seven Steps to Flipped Learning Design

Flipped learning is great for students, but it can be tough on faculty because it requires a significant shift in the way we think about using time and space for teaching. It also requires a different approach to lesson planning, and this can be a major choke point on the road to effective flipped learning environments. I know it was for me, when I first started using flipped learning 10 years ago.

Through a lot of trial, error, and feedback loops, I eventually arrived at a seven-step process for planning a flipped lesson. I found that once I mastered the workflow of prepping a single, 50-minute class using flipped learning design techniques, I could scale it up to an entire course. And soon this workflow became a routine that took a lot of the work of flipped learning off my plate.

Because I found this seven-step process so helpful, I've written a guide to this workflow in a 40-page workbook format called Seven Steps to Flipped Learning Design. I use this workbook when I give workshops on flipped learning, but it can also be used by individuals as a self-directed guide to setting up a course using flipped learning principles. The workbook features:

  • Background on the basic concepts of flipped learning – what it is, and what it is not, and why this matters
  • A step-by-step guide through the seven steps of flipped learning design, starting with the writing of learning objectives all the way through designing good in-class and post-class activities
  • A discussion of some of the burning questions about flipped learning, including how to handle student engagement in pre-class work

Each of the seven steps is laid out clearly with activities to apply to your course design, as you're building the course.

This workbook is available as a free download. You can download it here:

It's also available on Amazon in Kindle format for $0.99:

I hope you find it useful! And if you are interested in having me come to your campus to lead you and your colleagues through this process, please check out my Speaking page.